How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress

How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress

Brief: How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress

  1. Need for Mattress Deodorization: Mattresses can retain odors from sweat, bodily fluids, spills, and pets.
  2. Six Proven Methods for Odor Removal:
    • White Vinegar: Effective for stains and odors, but not suitable for wool.
    • Baking Soda: Absorbs and neutralizes odors; leave for several hours before vacuuming.
    • Cornstarch: A substitute for baking soda, absorbs odor and sweat.
    • Launder Bedding: Wash mattress cover and bedding regularly.
    • Air Out Mattress: Leave in the sun or well-ventilated area for at least 24 hours.
    • Lemon Rub: Effective for stain removal; leave for 30 minutes before washing.
  3. Preventing Odors:
    • Regular vacuuming.
    • Washing mattress cover often.
    • Using a mattress protector.
  4. FAQs:
    • Rotate Mattress: Every 6-12 months.
    • Baking Soda Usage: Sprinkle and vacuum after 15-30 minutes.
    • Persistent Odors: Try vinegar-water spray if baking soda is insufficient.
    • Commercial Cleaners: Can be used but follow instructions and test on a small area.
    • Mattress Freshness: Regular cleaning and use of protectors.
    • Alternative Products: Activated charcoal as a natural odor absorber.
    • Allergy Concerns: Use hypoallergenic cleaning products.
    • Steam Cleaning: Effective for odor removal.
    • Essential Oils: Can be used diluted in water as a spray.
  5. Conclusion:
    • To remove unpleasant odors from a mattress, several methods can be employed, including the use of natural products like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon. Regular maintenance such as vacuuming, airing out, and using a mattress protector are key to preventing odors. For persistent smells, alternative methods like steam cleaning or using activated charcoal may be effective. Regular rotation and proper storage are also important for maintaining mattress quality.

Mattresses and pillows are some of the most overlooked items in a bedroom, but they’re crucial for a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, beds and pillows retain all sorts of unpleasant odors over time – not just from sweat or bodily fluids, but also spills and pet smells.

How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress

Worse yet, mattresses are difficult to clean with their tight coils that trap dirt deep inside the upholstery. This article will cover the six proven methods on how to get the smell out of a mattress.

How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress: 6 Proven Methods

To prevent bad smells, make sure to clean the mattress regularly. Remove the bed sheet and turn it upside down. You can also remove the mattress cover and air it out in the sun. Although these methods won’t remove bad smells completely, they can reduce them, so you won’t have to replace your mattresses or pillows. Read on for six proven methods on how to get the smell out of bed!

Use White Vinegar

Wipe down with white vinegar to remove odors from the mattress. White vinegar can help remove tough stains and odors from fabrics and mattresses, but it’s not recommended for use on wool. Simply dip a cotton ball in vinegar, rub it over the stain or smell, and allow it to sit for five minutes. Flush out the mattress with water immediately before you return it to normal use.

How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress: Use White Vinegar

Sprinkle Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda throughout the mattress. This method is effective for removing odors that are difficult to remove by other methods, such as pet urine or vomit stains or cooking smells. Spread the amount of baking soda over the mattress surface. Leave it for a couple of hours or overnight. In the morning, vacuum up the baking soda to remove any leftover odors or stains.

How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress: Sprinkle Baking Soda


This product can substitute baking soda. All you need is to sprinkle cornstarch into the mattress and let it sit for several hours. Vacuum up excess starch, and wash with soap and water to remove stains.

Launder The Bedding

Launder the mattress cover. Laundering a mattress cover is one of the easiest and most effective methods of removing smells. In addition, it helps keep your mattress clean. Remove the bedsheets, and shake out any loose particles. Then, run the bedding through a warm wash with detergent. For stained areas, use a small amount of mild detergent or soak it in white vinegar for 15 minutes before washing.

How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress: Launder The Bedding

Air Out The Mattress

Open the windows and air out the mattress. If you have a porch or carport, lay it out there to air out for at least 24 hours. This is an excellent way to prevent bad smells from developing or returning to the mattress in the future.

How To Get Smell Out Of Mattress: Air Out The Mattress

Wipe With A Lemon

Cut open a lemon and rub over stains repeatedly until they are gone. Let it sit on stains for at least 30 minutes before washing with cold water and soap to remove all traces of stains before drying it completely.

These six proven methods of getting the smell out of mattresses should reduce bad odors from your beds. While these methods won’t remove all odors, they can help keep your bedding clean and smelling fresh for a long time.

What Can Prevent Smells On The Mattress

To prevent smells on the mattress, always keep your mattresses clean. Vacuum regularly, and make sure to wash the mattress cover often. Use a mattress protector so it won’t develop smells in the future.

Using A Mattress Protector

A mattress protector is an excellent way to prevent bad smells from forming and protect your mattresses from stains and odors. In addition, you can use these protectors as an extra layer of protection against bed bugs and other insects that may cause harm to your family members.

Cleaning Mattress Regularly

Regularly cleaning or “purifying” your mattresses is one of the most effective methods of removing bad smells from them. Cleaning mattresses regularly not only freshens and rejuvenates them but also helps remove odors and stains.


How often should I rotate my mattress? 

Your mattress should be rotated and flipped every 6-12 months to ensure even wear and to maximize the lifespan of your mattress.

Is it possible to get smells out of my mattress?

Yes, often, smells can be removed from mattresses. Use baking soda to freshen up the fabric and remove odors.

How can I use baking soda to get the smell out of my mattress?

Sprinkle baking soda over the entire mattress and let it sit for 15-30 minutes. Vacuum the baking soda completely.

What if baking soda doesn’t do the job?

If you have strong odors that remain after using baking soda, try using a mix of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mattress and let it sit for 15-30 minutes before wiping it clean with a damp cloth.

Can I use a commercial cleaner to remove smells from my mattress?

Yes, commercial products can be useful for removing odors from mattresses. However, be sure to read the instructions for any products as different fabrics may require different treatments. Test any product in an area of your mattress that is out of sight first.

What is the best way to keep my mattress fresh and avoid odors?

Make sure to clean the mattress regularly and use mattress protectors to avoid dirt and bacteria build-up. Vacuum the mattress on both sides at least two times a year and use a mattress pad to keep it dry and fresh.

Are there other products that can be used to remove odors from my mattress?

Charcoal is a natural odor absorber and can help reduce odors. Place activated charcoal (usually found in pet stores) in a small cloth bag and place it around the mattress in areas where odors occur the most.

How often should I clean and air out my mattress?

Clean your mattress regularly and air it out at least once a month by removing the bedding and opening the windows for at least half an hour.

What should I do if I’m allergic to certain smells?

If you are allergic to certain smells, you should invest in a mattress cover and use hypoallergenic cleaning products to help prevent allergens from settling in the mattress.

Can steam cleaning help get the smell out of my mattress?

Yes, steam cleaners can be used to remove odors from mattresses. Make sure to read the instructions and test the product in an area of the mattress that is out of sight first.

Can I use essential oils to remove smells from my mattress?

Yes, using essential oils can help to remove smells from your mattress. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in a spray bottle with water, spray the mattress, and let it sit for 15-30 minutes before wiping it clean with a damp cloth.

What can I do if my mattress is stained?

Stains on a mattress can be difficult to remove. Spot clean the mattress with a mixture of equal parts dish-washing detergent and water. Blot the stain with a clean cloth soaked in the mixture and allow the mattress to dry completely.

How can I make sure my mattress stays fresh between cleanings?

Use mattress protectors and wash them regularly. Make sure that air circulates around the mattress and vacuum the mattress on both sides at least two times a year to keep it clean and fresh.

What is the best way to store a mattress?

Before you store a mattress, make sure to clean and air it out. Wrap the mattress in plastic and store it in a dry, cool, and dark place.

Can I put my mattress in a storage unit?

Yes, you can put your mattress in a storage unit. However, make sure to wrap it in plastic to protect it from dust and moisture. Also, check with the storage facility to make sure that the conditions when storing a mattress are suitable for the type of mattress you have.

Nick Favreau

Nick Favreau is an expert mattress writer, whose unbiased reviews and in-depth analyses of mattresses have made him a trusted source of information for those looking for quality sleep.

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